Originally described in
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, Vol. 82:139.
Mesoscutum and scutellum golden-green, mesoscutum with raised and strong reticulation, scutellum with engraved and rather strong reticulation; femora metallic bluish-green; tibiae yellowish-white; female gaster long and slender, MM/LG = 0.7, first gastral tergite with round punctures in posterior ½.< /FONT >
Costa Rica.
Similar species in Lucid key
macrocercus, but caudatus with frons with interscrobal area and part just above frontal suture distinctly reticulate, flagellum long, e.g. 1st flagellomere 1.8X as long as wide.
Depository of primary type
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), in Costa Rica.